Chicken Chewing

2004-09-02 / 7:29 p.m.

So throughout the summer, fibromyalgia/CFS has been somewhat distant. Last year the symptoms started on Sept. 1st and this year, they started a whole day later! I woke up feeling it today, slept from about noon to 4 and am stiff and cold feeling.

I wish I could take a bath and sit in hot water, but that's frowned upon while you're pregnant. And for good reason; you don't want elevate the body temp too much, too often and have something go wrong with the baby brainage.

I'm concerned. Just about Alan Alda's job situation. Rock and a hard place. Being set up for failure. With two people on staff you can't get what you need to get done..done. Alan needs a paycheck. We need it. 4th kid on the way. Trying to keep afloat. Nothing certain in the future. And when the job isn't certain, it's pretty awful. He's doing his best and working hard. The Al Qaida Clown and all keep putting more on him without the pay. The Workshop, or fuckshop, are a bunch of assclwns. It's going downhill quite fast. I never thought much of it as a company anyway.

Ok, so the gay marriage thing. Protecting the sanctity of marriage. Since when did heterosexuals corner the market on healthy relationships?

I'm not big on protestors. They always say they're "peaceful" and I have yet to see a protest stay peaceful. It pisses me off that assholes are sitting in the convention causing problems. Their right? Sure. Is it smart? Not at all. The republicans have their right to have their convention too. I didn't see any republican being whisked away during the Democratic convention.

I consider myself liberal in ways. Environmental, big time. That's a huge one. Around here, when I was a volunteer at the animal shelter, just in general, people feel they can spout off against conservatives and say the most vile things. If I were to open my mouth to defend anything...I just couldn't. I could, but would be chewed to pieces.

People say vile, hateful stuff. I'm tired of it. It's totally non-productive. It brings everyone down. And it just gets worse.

I say vile and hateful things about The Workshop and Al Qaida Clown. Why? Get it off my chest. I do it here. And under normal circumstances, no one would be the wiser. But then there's the stalker boss who follows this around. What is up with that? I think he just can't control it and that's the problem. So lets stalk.

Hm. Anyway, it's wierd. I half expect to be followed by camera.

Man, that rooster seems to be getting louder and louder. Earlier we realized the coop hadn't been open. You could hear the rooster crowing every 30 seconds, letting us know "WE WANT OUT!"

I heard Alan Alda letting them out and they were seriously chicken chewing him out. It was funny. People say chickens are stupid and I will never buy it. They're peaceful. They just don't know how to fly away from predators. They all have different personalities. They crack me up.

I am a member of the Cosmopolitan drinking-book reading-no stupid men allowed-long hot bath club. Irisheyes is the founding member.

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